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Professor Adrian Williams
Specialist Advisor
Prof Adrian Williams is a Consultant Neurologist and Professor of Clinical Neurology at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
He was appointed to the NHS England Chair of the Neurosciences Clinical Reference Group, the National Neurosciences Advisory Group and the West Midlands Senate. He is currently an advisor to the Department for Health on long-term COVID-19.
Prof Adrian Williams was also a GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) Advisor Neurology and Ambassador for London.
He is now a member of the ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) Steering Group and Programme Board and works very closely with policy officials in both NHS England and the DHSC.
He is also working with the Neurological Alliance and the Global Centre for Healthy Food Environments on improving Nutrition for better Brain Health.
Pellagra is a particular interest, and his most recent publications are on this nutritional condition that has major secondary dysbiotic effects on the gut and other microbiomes.